The Gold Lasso : [povestiri]

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Editura Longman chat
Loc publicare Essex
An 1988
Termeni de subiect literatură engleză 820 nou 821.111
povestiri v. schiţe... chat


Rabley, Stephen
    The Gold Lasso : [povestiri] / Stephen Rabley ; Illustrated by Jonathan Heap.- Essex : Longman , 1988.
    30 p. : il. color.- (Longman Structural Readers : Fiction).


035 __ $a820/R11
101 __ $afre
200 __ $aThe Gold Lasso : [povestiri] $bCarte tipărită $fStephen Rabley ; Illustrated by Jonathan Heap
210 __ $aEssex $cLongman $d1988
215 __ $a30 p. : il. color
225 __ $aLongman Structural Readers : Fiction
299 __ $aThe Gold Lasso : [povestiri]
610 __ $aliteratură engleză 820 nou 821.111 $apovestiri v. schiţe...
615 __ $n8T
675 __ $a821.111-93-32=133.1
686 __ $aT
700 __ $aRabley, Stephen
975 00 $a821.111
975 00 $a-93 $a-32
975 00 $a=133.1
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