The Collected Stories Puşkin, A.

Autor chat
Editura Everyman 's Library chat
Loc publicare London
An 1999
ISBN 1857152514
Termeni de subiect literatură rusă 882 nou 821.161.1
schiţe, nuvele, povestiri 821-32 chat


Puşkin, Aleksandr Sergheevici
    The Collected Stories Puşkin, A. / Alexander Pushkin ; Translated from the Russian by Paul Debreczeny ; with an Introduction by John Bayley ; Verse passages translated by Walter Arndt.- London : Everyman 's Library , 1999.
    LV, 552 p..- (The Millennium Library ; 251).
    ISBN 1857152514

    I Arndt, Walter(trad.)
    II Bayley, John(introd.)
    III Debreczeny, Paul(trad.)


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035 __ $a821rus/P99
101 __ $aeng
200 __ $aThe Collected Stories Puşkin, A. $bCarte tipărită $fAlexander Pushkin ; Translated from the Russian by Paul Debreczeny ; with an Introduction by John Bayley ; Verse passages translated by Walter Arndt
210 __ $aLondon $cEveryman 's Library $d1999
215 __ $aLV, 552 p.
225 __ $aThe Millennium Library $v251
299 __ $aThe Collected Stories Puşkin, A.
608 __ $amonografie
610 __ $aliteratură rusă 882 nou 821.161.1 $aschiţe, nuvele, povestiri 821-32
615 __ $n8
675 __ $a821.161.1-32=111
686 __ $a821
700 __ $aPuşkin, Aleksandr Sergheevici
702 __ $4trad. $aArndt, Walter
702 __ $4introd. $aBayley, John
702 __ $4trad. $aDebreczeny, Paul
975 00 $a821.161.1
975 00 $a-32
975 00 $a=111
Barcode/Nr. Inventar Număr/Ediție Localizare Regim resursa Disponibil Cota
1. 481680 / 481680 E - Secţia engleză Împrumut la sala de lectură Da 821rus/P99
Gestiune Regim imprumut Ex. Acțiune
E - Secţia engleză Împrumut la sala de lectură 1

Disponibile: 1

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