The children's book of myths and legends

Editura Barnes & Noble Books chat
Loc publicare New York
An 2001
ISBN 076072542X
Note Extraordinary stories from around the world
Termeni de subiect publicaţie străină
poveşti populare 398.2() ; 82-91-34 chat
literatură universală 82 nou 821 chat


    The children's book of myths and legends / retold by Ronne Randall ; illustrated by Graham Howells.- New York : Barnes & Noble Books , 2001.
    128 p. : il. color.    
    Extraordinary stories from around the world.
    ISBN 076072542X

    I Randall, Ronne(repov.)
    II Howells, Graham(il.)


299 __ $aThe children's book of myths and legends
955 __ $a1
200 __ $aThe children's book of myths and legends $bCarte tipărită $fretold by Ronne Randall $gillustrated by Graham Howells
010 __ $a076072542X
035 __ $a821-91/C42
610 __ $apublicaţie străină $apoveşti populare 398.2() ; 82-91-34 $aliteratură universală 82 nou 821
210 __ $aNew York $cBarnes & Noble Books $d2001
675 __ $a821-91-34=111
215 __ $a128 p. $cil. color
686 __ $a821 $aT
300 __ $aExtraordinary stories from around the world
608 __ $amonografie
702 __ $aRandall, Ronne $4repov.
702 __ $aHowells, Graham $4il.
101 __ $aeng
Barcode/Nr. Inventar Număr/Ediție Localizare Regim resursa Disponibil Cota
1. 968875 / 968875 C - Secţia copii Împrumut Da 821-91/C42
Gestiune Regim imprumut Ex. Acțiune
C - Secţia copii Împrumut 1

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