Teaching in the post Covid classroom : mindsets and strategies to cultivate connection, manager behavior and reduce overwhelm in classroom, distance and blended learning

Autor chat
Editura Red Lotus Books chat
Loc publicare [Mountain House]
An 2020
Subiect pedagogie chat
ISBN 9780998701967
Note Additional resources p. [161-162]
Termeni de subiect publicaţie străină
pedagogie 371 chat


Stevens, Grace
    Teaching in the post Covid classroom : mindsets and strategies to cultivate connection, manager behavior and reduce overwhelm in classroom, distance and blended learning / Grace Stevens.- [Mountain House] : Red Lotus Books , 2020.
    162 p..    
    Additional resources p. [161-162].
    ISBN 9780998701967

    1. pedagogie


299 __ $aTeaching in the post Covid classroom : mindsets and strategies to cultivate connection, manager behavior and reduce overwhelm in classroom, distance and blended learning
955 __ $a1
200 __ $aTeaching in the post Covid classroom $bCarte tipărită $emindsets and strategies to cultivate connection, manager behavior and reduce overwhelm in classroom, distance and blended learning $fGrace Stevens
700 _1 $aStevens, Grace
010 __ $a9780998701967
610 __ $apublicaţie străină $apedagogie 371
035 __ $a371/S84
210 __ $a[Mountain House] $cRed Lotus Books $d2020
675 __ $a371
215 __ $a162 p.
686 __ $a37
300 __ $aAdditional resources p. [161-162]
608 __ $amonografie
606 __ $apedagogie
101 __ $aeng
Barcode/Nr. Inventar Număr/Ediție Localizare Regim resursa Disponibil Cota
1. 959930 / 959930 E - Secţia engleză Împrumut la sala de lectură Da 371/S84
Gestiune Regim imprumut Ex. Acțiune
E - Secţia engleză Împrumut la sala de lectură 1

Disponibile: 1

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