Reading comprehension

Editura Manhattan Prep chat
Loc publicare New York
An 2014
Subiect lingvistică engleză chat
ISBN 9781941234068
Note This in-depth guide takes the mystery out of complex reading passages by providing a toolkit of sketching techniques that aim to build comprehension, speed and accuracy. Learn to identify the underlying structure of reading passages and develop methods to tackle the toughest comprehension questions.
Termeni de subiect publicaţie străină
lingvistică engleză 802.0 nou 811.111 chat


    Reading comprehension / Manhattan Prep.- 6th edition.- New York : Manhattan Prep , 2014.
    143 p. : tab., fig..- (GMAT strategy guide ; 7).    
    This in-depth guide takes the mystery out of complex reading passages by providing a toolkit of sketching techniques that aim to build comprehension, speed and accuracy. Learn to identify the underlying structure of reading passages and develop methods to tackle the toughest comprehension questions..
    ISBN 9781941234068

    1. lingvistică engleză


299 __ $aReading comprehension
200 __ $aReading comprehension $bCarte tipărită $fManhattan Prep
955 __ $a1
035 __ $a811eng/R35
610 __ $apublicaţie străină $alingvistică engleză 802.0 nou 811.111
675 __ $a811.111
686 __ $a80/811
608 __ $amonografie
606 __ $alingvistică engleză
710 __ $aManhattan Prep
101 __ $aeng
010 __ $a9781941234068
205 __ $a6th edition
210 __ $aNew York $cManhattan Prep $d2014
215 __ $a143 p. $ctab., fig.
225 __ $aGMAT strategy guide $v7
300 __ $aThis in-depth guide takes the mystery out of complex reading passages by providing a toolkit of sketching techniques that aim to build comprehension, speed and accuracy. Learn to identify the underlying structure of reading passages and develop methods to tackle the toughest comprehension questions.
Barcode/Nr. Inventar Număr/Ediție Localizare Regim resursa Disponibil Cota
1. 937945 / 937945 E - Secţia engleză Împrumut Da 811eng/R35
Gestiune Regim imprumut Ex. Acțiune
E - Secţia engleză Împrumut 1

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