Problems in the theory of functions of a complex variable

Autor chat
Editura Mir chat
Loc publicare Moscow
An 1977
Subiect teoria funcţiilor chat

II 27867

Volkovysky, L.
    Problems in the theory of functions of a complex variable.- Moscow : Mir , 1977.

    I Lunts, G.
    II Aramanovich, I.

    1. teoria funcţiilor


035 __ $aII 27867
200 __ $aProblems in the theory of functions of a complex variable
210 __ $aMoscow $cMir $d1977
299 __ $aProblems in the theory of functions of a complex variable
606 __ $ateoria funcţiilor
609 __ $ateoria funcţiilor
675 __ $a517.53
700 __ $aVolkovysky, L.
701 __ $aLunts, G.
701 __ $aAramanovich, I.
975 00 $a517.53
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1. 109729 / 109729 SL - Sala de lectură Împrumut la sala de lectură Da II 27867
Gestiune Regim imprumut Ex. Acțiune
SL - Sala de lectură Împrumut la sala de lectură 1

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