Great Voices of the Opera : Apollo Granforte, Tancredi Pasero CD 2: Tancredi Pasero


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    Great Voices of the Opera : Apollo Granforte, Tancredi Pasero CD 2: Tancredi Pasero.


200 __ $aGreat Voices of the Opera : Apollo Granforte, Tancredi Pasero CD 2: Tancredi Pasero $bCD-ROM audio
299 __ $aGreat Voices of the Opera : Apollo Granforte, Tancredi Pasero CD 2: Tancredi Pasero
422 __ $0ROMMJPD#00af2ada4f2d4fa0 $tGreat Voices of the Opera : Apollo Granforte, Tancredi Pasero
461 __ $0ROMMJPD#00af2ada4f2d4fa0 $tGreat Voices of the Opera : Apollo Granforte, Tancredi Pasero
675 __ $a782
975 00 $a782
Barcode/Nr. Inventar Număr/Ediție Localizare Regim resursa Disponibil Cota
1. 614922 / 614922 AV - Secţia audiovizual Împrumut Secţia audiovizual Da CD 558
Gestiune Regim imprumut Ex. Acțiune
AV - Secţia audiovizual Împrumut Secţia audiovizual 1

Disponibile: 1

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