Crime Novels : American Noir of the 1950s

Editura The Library of America chat
Loc publicare New York
An 1997
ISBN 1883011493
Termeni de subiect antologie (mai mulţi autori) 82-822 sau (082) nou 821-822
literatură americană 820(73) nou 821.111(73) chat
roman chat


    Crime Novels : American Noir of the 1950s / Robert Polito selected the contents and wrote the notes for this volume.- Second printing.- New York : The Library of America , 1997.
    897 p..- (The Library of America Collection ; 95).
    ISBN 1883011493

    I Polito, Robert(note)


010 __ $a1883011493
035 __ $a821(73)eng/C86
101 __ $aeng
200 __ $aCrime Novels : American Noir of the 1950s $bCarte tipărită $fRobert Polito selected the contents and wrote the notes for this volume
205 __ $aSecond printing
210 __ $aNew York $cThe Library of America $d1997
215 __ $a897 p.
225 __ $aThe Library of America Collection $v95
299 __ $aCrime Novels : American Noir of the 1950s
510 __ $aDown There Goodis, David [în Crime ...] $aThe Killer Inside Me Thompson, Jim [în Crime ...] $aPick-up Willeford, Charles [în Crime ...] $aThe Real Cool Killers Himes, Chester [în Crime ...] $aThe Talented Mr. Ripley Highsmith, Patricia [în Crime ...]
517 __ $aDown There Goodis, David [în Crime ...]
517 __ $aThe Killer Inside Me Thompson, Jim [în Crime ...]
517 __ $aPick-up Willeford, Charles [în Crime ...]
517 __ $aThe Real Cool Killers Himes, Chester [în Crime ...]
517 __ $aThe Talented Mr. Ripley Highsmith, Patricia [în Crime ...]
608 __ $amonografie
610 __ $aantologie (mai mulţi autori) 82-822 sau (082) nou 821-822 $aliteratură americană 820(73) nou 821.111(73) $aroman
675 __ $a821.111(73)-31(082)
675 __ $a821.111(73)-822
686 __ $a821
702 __ $4antolog. $4edit. $4note $aPolito, Robert
975 00 $a821.111
975 00 $a(082)
975 00 $a(73)
975 00 $a-31
975 00 $a821.111
975 00 $a(73)
975 00 $a-822
Barcode/Nr. Inventar Număr/Ediție Localizare Regim resursa Disponibil Cota
1. 622155 / 622155 E - Secţia engleză Împrumut Da 821(73)eng/C86
Gestiune Regim imprumut Ex. Acțiune
E - Secţia engleză Împrumut 1

Disponibile: 1

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