Winner 's Curse : Why cities should think twice about hosting the Olympics

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Subiect Jocurile Olimpice
Jocurile Olimpice. Atena, 2004 chat
Jocurile Olimpice. Atlanta, 1996 chat
Jocurile Olimpice. Barcelona, 1992 chat
Jocurile Olimpice. Beijing, 2008 chat
Jocurile Olimpice. Los Angeles, 1984 chat
Jocurile Olimpice. Sydney, 2000 chat
politică economică chat
rentabilitate chat
200 __ $aWinner 's Curse : Why cities should think twice about hosting the Olympics
299 __ $aWinner 's Curse : Why cities should think twice about hosting the Olympics
510 __ $aWhy Back the Bid? : Cost overruns, poor ticket sales, unused stadiums, higher taxes - here 's why cities should think twice before hosting the Olympics
517 __ $aWhy Back the Bid? : Cost overruns, poor ticket sales, unused stadiums, higher taxes - here 's why cities should think twice before hosting the Olympics
606 __ $aJocurile Olimpice
606 __ $aJocurile Olimpice. Atena, 2004
606 __ $aJocurile Olimpice. Atlanta, 1996
606 __ $aJocurile Olimpice. Barcelona, 1992
606 __ $aJocurile Olimpice. Beijing, 2008
606 __ $aJocurile Olimpice. Los Angeles, 1984
606 __ $aJocurile Olimpice. Sydney, 2000
606 __ $apolitică economică
606 __ $arentabilitate
700 __ $aGerlin, Andrea