Village on the Edge of Time [Revistă]

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Note In Dimen, yesterday and today are merging.
For a thousand years the lives of the Dong people have resounded with song. Their distinctive culture endures - but for how long?
101 __ $aeng
102 __ $aUS
200 __ $aVillage on the Edge of Time $bRevistă $fby Amy Tan ; photographs by Lynn Johnson
210 __ $d2008/05/00
299 __ $aVillage on the Edge of Time [Revistă]
300 __ $aIn Dimen, yesterday and today are merging.
300 __ $aFor a thousand years the lives of the Dong people have resounded with song. Their distinctive culture endures - but for how long?
463 __ $tNational Geographic
606 __ $aaşezări rurale
606 __ $aChina
606 __ $acultură
606 __ $acultură spirituală
606 __ $aetnografie
606 __ $aetnologie
606 __ $aetnopsihologie
606 __ $atradiţie
608 __ $apublicaţie serială
610 __ $aaşezări rurale (geograf.) 911.373 $aaşezări umane (tipuri speciale) 911.374 $aChina (510) $acultură, civilizaţie, progres 008 $aetnologie, etnografie, obiceiuri, viaţa socială, folclor 39
675 __ $a008:911.373(510)
700 __ $aTan, Amy
702 __ $4foto $aJohnson, Lynn
830 __ $aVol. 213, Nr. 5, mai 2008, p. 102-125 : foto