Inside the Mind of an Iraqi Suicide Bomber : In a rare interview, a terrorist in training reveals chilling secrets about the insurgency 's deadliest weapons [Revistă]

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101 __ $aeng
102 __ $aUS $aUS
200 __ $aInside the Mind of an Iraqi Suicide Bomber : In a rare interview, a terrorist in training reveals chilling secrets about the insurgency 's deadliest weapons $bRevistă $fby Aparisim Ghosh ; photographs by Ghaith Abdul-Ahad and Jason P. Howe
210 __ $d2005-07-04
299 __ $aInside the Mind of an Iraqi Suicide Bomber : In a rare interview, a terrorist in training reveals chilling secrets about the insurgency 's deadliest weapons [Revistă]
463 __ $tTime
510 __ $aTerror School : An Iraqi bomber-in-training tells his story to TIME
517 __ $aTerror School : An Iraqi bomber-in-training tells his story to TIME
606 __ $aAsia Centrală
606 __ $aatentate
606 __ $aCoran
606 __ $ainterviu
606 __ $aIrak
606 __ $aIslam
606 __ $ajihad
606 __ $amusulmani
606 __ $arăzboi de partizani
606 __ $arăzboi religios
606 __ $aS.U.A
606 __ $aterorism
608 __ $apublicaţie serială
610 __ $aCoran 297.18 $ainterviuri (047.53) $aIrak (567) $aistorie militară, războaie 355.48 $aterorism, acţiuni teroriste 323.285
675 __ $a323.285(567)
675 __ $a355.48(73:567)
675 __ $a929(0:047.53):323.285(567)
700 __ $aGhosh, Aparisim
702 __ $4foto $aAbdul-Ahad, Ghaith
702 __ $4foto $aHowe, Jason P.
830 __ $aMiddle East $aVol. 166, nr. 1, iul. 2005, p. [30]-35 : foto